Have you ever wondered how to still be brave in the midst of being afraid or facing fear? I know I have.

I was invited to be interviewed by an amazing sister in the Lord, Dr. Michele Wells – “The Courageous Voice Coach” and creator of Be B.O.L.D Outloud and Courageous Voice Academy, was truly an honor. She was working on a project and felt led to reach out and ask me if I’d be willing to be interviewed on her new show Be B.O.L.D Outloud and I couldn’t pass up the opportunity because the topic of discussion resonated with me. The topic was about being brave.

This resonated with me so much because my name: Andrea Denise Garrett-Cook means, “Brave and Courageous Spear Woman that provides nourishment for the soul.” But let me tell you, life has a way of trying to get you to think that you are the complete opposite, or should I say, it has a way of trying to get you to not fully evolve into the highest version of who you truly are. Through setbacks that come your way, obstacles that try to hinder you, people that come into your life with wrong motives, and the list goes on…

No matter what, life can present you with challenges and obstacles that you have to face in order to get to the next level of your journey of becoming the best version of who you were called to be, do, and become. There comes a point when you are faced with getting real with yourself so you can really break through to get through to the other side and it is worth every experience that it took for you to get there.

I can truly say, that this interview with Dr. Michele was so liberating for me to share part of my story and I pray that whoever watches it is blessed by the conversation.

My question to you is:

Do You D.A.R.E to L.I.V.E I.G.N.I.T.E.D?

Living ignited requires you to be brave and to face your fears, and the giants within so you can really begin to live this life the way that God always intended for you which is in a state of wholeness, liberty, and experiencing a life of abundance in your mind, body soul, spirit as well as mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally, and financially.


Are you ready to face your fears and get to a point of living and not just existing or being in a place of surviving book a FREE Breakthrough Strategy call with me –> here. I’d love to help you to break through to deeper depths on your multi-dimensional self-discovery journey! 

I’d love to hear from you! Leave a comment below and share a time when you had to be brave and get out of your comfort zone.

About the Author Andrea "The Life Igniter"

Andrea is a Life Igniter Coach & Spiritual Wellness Advocate. She is certified in holistic living and is a christian influencer that focuses on helping you live a life of wholeness. She is also a personal customization expert, inspirational product creator, speaker, author, and floetry artist. She is the CEO and brand visionary of DaVine Solution Enterprises, a holistic lifestyle brand that focuses on creating transformative experiences that reignites your mind, body, soul, and spirit by focusing on self-love, wholeness, and hope to help you L.I.V.E I.G.N.I.T.E.D & T.H.R.I.V.E in every area of your life.

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