Sometimes you have to accept the permission God graced on your life to be GREAT….for His glory.

Off and on I tried to model but never went all the way, out of struggling with fear, lack of confidence, and limiting beliefs that came from the effects of emotional trauma in my life. I even had a vision for a modeling and talent agency over 20 years ago but now that idea has evolved into a holistic empowerment lifestyle brand that is aimed to: Reignite Self-Love, and wholeness and hope to help people who are ready to take the sacred journey within so they can truly become the authentic version of themselves to LIVE IGNITED so they can THRIVE in every area of their life.

We create personally tailored transformational experiences through:

IGNITED LIFE COACHING that focuses on:

– Self-Discovery

– Purpose/Vision Discovery

– Self-Love/Acceptance

– Inner Healing

– Mindset Mastery, and

– Self-Mastery

The SPEAK L.I.F.E Experience specializes in creating personally Customized boutique-style Nameplates that Speak L.I.F.E.

• IGNITED CONSULTING that focuses on helping you to secure the vision of your legacy, and

INspirational products such as t-shirts, plaques, ebooks, and more! 

I’m truly excited to officially announce that I have taken several leaps of faith to be the Christian model I’ve always wanted to be, as well as fully be ALL IN concerning accepting the assignment and walking it out by divinely INspired confidence to show up the way that God is calling for me to. That is allowing myself to be authentically me, exercising every gift, talent, and ability with bravery, and assurance in knowing that God called and equipped me before I entered my mother’s womb.

I counted the cost and I said, no matter what I have to lose, cut, or do away with Lord, I say, YES.

I AM Andrea “The Life Igniter” 👑🦋🔥

Stay Tuned…there’s more to come… 


  • White Denim Jacket* – Amazon
  • White Kneehigh Boots* – Amazon
  • Ear Cuff,  Necklace & Rhinestone ring – Young’s Beauty Supply
  • Rhinestone Butterfly Ring – Tiffany Ware 


Music: Cactus  | Musician: Jeff Kaale

*I am an Amazon Associate/Influencer and I do earn commissions off of recommended products and qualifying purchases.

#christianmodelsassociation #CMA #reppingthekingdomofgod #thedaretoliveignitedmovement #ModelingConfidence #christianmodel #ChristianInfluencer #modelingwithpurpose

About the Author Andrea "The Life Igniter"

Andrea is a Life Igniter Coach & Spiritual Wellness Advocate. She is certified in holistic living and is a christian influencer that focuses on helping you live a life of wholeness. She is also a personal customization expert, inspirational product creator, speaker, author, and floetry artist. She is the CEO and brand visionary of DaVine Solution Enterprises, a holistic lifestyle brand that focuses on creating transformative experiences that reignites your mind, body, soul, and spirit by focusing on self-love, wholeness, and hope to help you L.I.V.E I.G.N.I.T.E.D & T.H.R.I.V.E in every area of your life.

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