Do YOU D.A.R.E To Be Different?

What does D.A.R.E stand for: D.o you A.udaciously have the courage to R.adically face your fears and limiting beliefs so you can E.merge...come forth?!

This was a question that come to mind to me this morning. I woke up this morning at 4:15am and just began to pray. I began to worship the Lord, and I saw myself I use to over 20 years ago. I turned on this song called, "Seen" by: AD3 and it began to minister to my heart. Initially I was just lying down but then the words spoke to my spirit and I began to dance again and it turned into worship before the Lord. I began to feel chains fall off of me through music and dance (through what I like to call, Creative Expression/Expressive Creativity).

Creative Expression is:

The ability to use our minds and imaginations to create something that represents ourselves.

There are countless ways to express ourselves creatively, whether through music, visual art, crafting, writing, photography, drama, or movement. People of all ages, backgrounds, and walks of life benefit from the creative process. 

Creativity helps us relate to each other, address obstacles and challenges in our lives, and even remember how to play! It can be difficult to authentically express who we are, but creative expression helps us open to new possibilities.

Most importantly, creative expression can lead us to a deeper understanding of ourselves.

The language that lives in the heart and the spirit. It’s the language that emerges when you find the safety to really listen to your heart.”  - Cathy Salser, Founder and Executive Director of A Window Between Worlds

Creative expression has nothing to do with your artistic ability or the perceived quality of the outcome. Its value is often found more in the process than in the product.

Creativity is not necessarily art, nor is it representative of any particular skill.

It is simply the mental capacity to use your imagination and find joy through personal expression, allowing us the freedom to let go and see what happens. - The Inner Work Center"

I know that the Lord has called me to be a feminine expression of a warrior in his Kingdom and he has loaded me with all these talents which I have allowed to be pint up for quite some time because the heaviness of this life began to overwhelm me. But the Lord began to gently remind me that his hand has been on me before I ever entered my mother's womb. 

This song was a gentle reminder that it's the Love of God that has been pursuing me all this time and it has been wooing me to rest and abide under the shadow of the Almighty (Psalm 91). It's in HIM that I we are able to carry out the assignment that we've been given. Outside of Him we are nothing. 

If you feel that there is this tug on your heart to go in a direction that seems like it's too much for you to carry I want to encourage you to surrender to His love. It doesn't matter what you did, God's love is unconditional and it requires a willingness to surrender to Christ by asking for forgiveness of your sins and accepting Him into your heart and take it a step further, allow yourself to be baptized in Jesus Name and open your heart to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit so your mind, heart and soul can be transformed.

If you are READY for your life to be transformed so you can become reignited in self-love, wholeness, and hope, I would like to invite you to Book a Breakthrough Strategy Session with me so we can get to the root of what is hindering you from maximizing your fullest potential. This call is for you if you are really READY to do the necessary work in making wholeness a lifestyle. I look forward to connecting with you soon!


Music: "Seen": by: AD3 (I do not own the rights to this music)

Wardrobe: Burgundy Ripped Jeans - AMAZON*

Feather False Eyelashes - AMAZON

(*I am an Amazon Associate/Influencer and I do earn commissions off of recommended products and qualifying purchases). 

Book A Breakthrough Strategy Session

About the Author Andrea "The Life Igniter"

Andrea is a Life Igniter Coach & Spiritual Wellness Advocate. She is certified in holistic living and is a christian influencer that focuses on helping you live a life of wholeness. She is also a personal customization expert, inspirational product creator, speaker, author, and floetry artist. She is the CEO and brand visionary of DaVine Solution Enterprises, a holistic lifestyle brand that focuses on creating transformative experiences that reignites your mind, body, soul, and spirit by focusing on self-love, wholeness, and hope to help you L.I.V.E I.G.N.I.T.E.D & T.H.R.I.V.E in every area of your life.

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