Meet Andrea

Reigniting self-love, wholeness and hope to help her clients to live ignited and thrive in every area of their life.

As a Life Igniter

Coach, Consultant, and spiritual wellness advocate, it is her goal to use her expertise in strategy, insight, introspection, writing, creative expression, holistic life coaching, financial services, speaking life, areas of  psychological and business studies, her own personal experience, inspirational products, and apparel to help encourage professional faith-based women who feel blocked emotionally by soul wounds from brokenness to clear their emotional pathways, overcome limiting beliefs, ignite their vision, and discover their divine purpose so they can become reignited to find the confidence they need to maximize their fullest potential!

Her Focus

Is to help you become reignited so you can live a life of wholeness, ignite your vision, and confidently fulfill your divine purpose so you can:

- AWAKEN to your true authentic self,

- ALIGN with your divine purpose,

- Walk in WHOLENESS spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, & financially,

- OVERCOME limiting beliefs, and

- EMERGE into your calling with confidence!

Her Purpose

Is to empower the brokenhearted to embrace their divine birthright and holistically balance their emotions to emerge and confidently step into their true identity in Christ from a position of power instead of going through life in a state of existence, unfulfillment, lack of confidence and lack of faith. She is a boy mom to 3 handsome kings, and she enjoys quality time with family and friends, being adventurous, expressing her creativity, being a beacon of light by helping others to see the best in themselves. She has walked through her own personal trials of brokenness that have left soul wounds but she is a true testament of inspiration that new life can happen for you when you take the sacred journey within to begin making peace with the past.

Her area of expertise is in: self-discovery, purpose and vision discovery, self-love and acceptance, inner healing, mindset mastery, and self-mastery.


Andrea a woman of God who's heart is for the King and His Royal Kingdom being established in the earth. She is an intercessor and has served as a executive board member, thought partner and National Chaplain with a women and men's outreach ministry called, The Keepers (The Ladies of My Sister's Keeper and The Gentlemen of My Brother's Keeper). She has provided women and men coaching, life skills, and support. She has facilitated life skill workshops, lead monthly calls, created a coaching training manual on prayer and has been a director of program development of 5 chapters located in Atlanta, Cincinnati, West Virginia, Connecticut, and Michigan. She is also the creator of prophetic nameplates that was birthed out of this ministry and has now become one of her signature product lines, Lady DaVine Creations Boutique-Style Nameplates.

Her Qualifications

  • Andrea has over 24+ years in Corporate America
  • A Bachelor's Degree in Small Business Management & Entrepreneurship
  • A Master's Degree in Psychology & Life Coaching
  • She is certified in: Holistic Life Coaching, Mental Health Advocacy, doTERRA Essential Oil Specialist, doTERRA Essential Oil Safety, Somatic Approaches to Healing Trauma
  • Self-Study in: General Life Coaching, Energy Healing and Chakra Healing/Balancing, NLP (Neurolinguistic Programing), EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique, Empathy and Reflective/Active Listening

She is on a mission to inspire individuals to hope again so they can be:

L.iberated I.nspired and V.ictoriously E.mpowered to I.lluminate the G.reatness that is N.aturally I.ntended to E.voke you to take D.ominion in the earth!  In order T.o achieve H.igh R.esults with I.nsightful V.ision, and E.ffective principles and strategies in every area of your life!

Her Service Offerings Include

- Hosting online and offline workshops, masterclasses, and trainings

- Creating self-paced and support group coaching programs

- Hosting empowerment calls (through audio, LIVES, etc.)

- Creating INspirational books, plaques, Spoken Word MP3s, Kingdom Royal T's (t-shirt line)

- Creating personally customized boutique-style nameplates that help to ignite a personal experience to empower people to see themselves the way that God sees them

- Sharing information about products and services to help you to live a holistic and empowered lifestyle 

- Offer to consult with individuals who are ready to support and secure the vision of their legacy to create a better tomorrow

Check Out Her Story

Click the video below to hear her story.

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